Shelli R. Johannes
Shelli R. Johannes is the author of 18 books (out and forthcoming). She is the co-author (with Kimberly Derting) of the popular Cece Loves Science series and Penny (An Engineering Tale of the Fourth Pig). In addition to her tween and teen novels, she is also the author of the Theo Thesaurus series and Shine Like A Unicorn. Her new chapter book in Chelsea Clinton’s “She Persisted” series on Florence Nightengale is out now.
Shelli can often be found on highways and country roads saving strays and other jaywalking critters or volunteering with animal conservation groups. After earning an MBA in Marketing and working in Corporate America, she finally escaped to follow her passion for writing.
She lives in Atlanta with her own pack of unicorns: a British husband, two teens, two Goldendoodles, one sassy bird, and the many loud characters that “live” in her head. Shelli is addicted to exclamation points, puns, unicorns, and anything sciencey. You can always count on her to laugh at her own jokes, at least once.