Jessica Young
Jessica Young is the author of award-winning picture books, early readers, and chapter books, including Baby's Here! (illus. by Geneviève Godbout, Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy 2023 CLEL Bell Award winner, Bank Street College of Education’s Best Board Books of the Year 2023); I’ll Meet You In Your Dreams (illus. by Rafael López, Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators Crystal Kite Award winner, Bank Street College of Education’s Best Children’s Books of the Year 2022, Amazon Editors’ Best Children’s Books of 2021); Play This Book (illus. by Daniel Wiseman, School Library Journal’s 2018 Picture Books and Picture Book Readalouds, BookRiot’s 50 Must-Read Preschool Books); Pet This Book (illus. by Daniel Wiseman); the Haggis and Tank Unleashed series (illus. by James Burks, Amazon’s Best Children’s Books of 2016 for Ages 6-8, New York Public Library’s 100 Best Books for Kids 2016); the Fairylight Friends series (illus. by Marie Vanderbemden); My Blue Is Happy (illus. by Cátia Chien, Marion Vannett Ridgway Award winner, Charlotte Zolotow Highly Commended Title, Bank Street College of Education's Best Children’s Books of the Year 2014, Library of Congress Center for the Book's 52 Great Reads list, Texas Library Association's 2×2 Reading List, Toronto Public Library's First & Best Booklist); and the forthcoming Two Homes, One Heart (illus. by Chelsea O'Byrne).
Jessica grew up in Ontario, Canada, and lives in Tennessee. The same things make her happy now as when she was a kid: art, music, dancing, digging in the dirt, picnics, reading, and writing. A former preschool, elementary, and middle school art teacher, Jessica loves sharing the creative process with students! Find out more about her books and school visits: